Penerimaan Santri Baru Tahun Ajaran 2024 - 2025
Assalamualaikum WarahmatuLLAHI WabarakatuH
Jika Bapak/Ibu ingin memberikan pendidikan pesantren bagi Ananda, mudah diakses serta memiliki sertifikasi A di setiap jenjang pendidikan (Madrasah Tsanawiyyah dan Madrasah Aliyyah), maka tidak perlu ragu mendaftarkan Ananda di Pondok Pesantren Al-Amanah Al-Gontory.
Tentu, pendidikan bagi siapapun, bersifat berkelanjutan, sehingga kerjasama dalam membangun pendidikan terbaik bagi Ananda, tidak akan lepas dari peran Orang Tua/Bapak/Ibu/Wali selama Ananda menjadi Santri di Pondok Pesantren Al-Amanah Al-Gontory
Beberapa keuntungan mengenyam pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren Al-Amanah Al-Gontory, diantaranya adalah :
1. Sertifikasi A, untuk semua jenjang pendidikan menengah yang ditawarkan,
2.Alumni Pondok Pesantren Al-Amanah Al-Gontory banyak yang melanjutkan Pendidikan Agama ke Al-Azhar, Yaman hingga Sudan
3. Aktivitas ekstrakurikuler yang dapat menjadi bekal bagi Santri untuk memberikan warna di masyarakat tempat dia berada/mengabdi seperti Kaligrafi, Lettering, Marching Band, Tari Saman, Hadrah, dan lain-lain.
4. Santri belajar untuk memanajemen waktu secara mandiri, bersosialisasi dengan sesama, hingga belajar mengambil keputusan yang cepat dan tepat selama belajar di Pondok
Bagi Bapak/Ibu yang ingin mendaftarkan Ananda untuk menjadi santri Pondok Pesantren Al-Amanah Al-Gontory, dapat mengisi formulir di bawah ini :
Apabila Bapak/Ibu mendapatkan kesulitan dalam mengisi formulir di aplikasi tersebut, Bapak/Ibu dapat mengisi google form pendaftaran dengan link di bawah ini :
Jenjang Pendidikan Menengah yang kami tawarkan, yaitu Madrasah Tsanawiyyah (setara dengan Sekolah Menengah Pertama) dengan masa pendidikan 3 (tiga) tahun, dan Madrasah Aliyyah (setara dengan Sekolah Menengah Atas) dengan masa pendidikan 3 (tiga) tahun.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi :
Putra (Tsanawiyyah / Aliyyah ) : 0812 9916 3395
Putri (Tsanawiyyah/ Aliyyah) : 0856 7036 337
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kepercayaan yang Bapak/Ibu berikan kepada Pondok Pesantren Al-Amanah Al-Gontory. Semoga, pendidikan terbaik yang kita idam-idamkan untuk Ananda, dapat kita berikan bersama-sama, dan dimudahkan prosesnya oleh ALLAH SWT, Aaamiiin.
Wassalamu alaikum WarahmatuLLAHI wabarakatuH
Beberapa Pertanyaan Yang Sering Ditanyakan
My application status is ’Unqualified’. What does that mean?
If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city that focus on chaning the world for better to morrow, you’re choosin the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community with a full range of backgrounds. If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city.
The status of my application is "Qualified". Does this mean I've been accepted?
If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city that focus on chaning the world for better to morrow, you’re choosin the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community with a full range of backgrounds. If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city.
I submitted documents after the deadline and my application was deleted even though I believe I am qualified. What do I have to do?
If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city that focus on chaning the world for better to morrow, you’re choosin the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community with a full range of backgrounds. If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city.
Sistem Pendidikan Apa Yang diadopsi Pondok Pesantren Al-Amanah Al-Gontory?
If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city that focus on chaning the world for better to morrow, you’re choosin the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community with a full range of backgrounds. If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city.
I forgot to reply to my admission offer by the deadline, can I still submit a reply?
If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city that focus on chaning the world for better to morrow, you’re choosin the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community with a full range of backgrounds. If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city.
Can I submit an appeal or reapply at any time?
If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city that focus on chaning the world for better to morrow, you’re choosin the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community with a full range of backgrounds. If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city.
The Application Process
Start Online Submission
Submit The Form
Review The Submission
Gather Necessary Documents
Interviewing Process
Last Decision
Things To Know First
The Common Application is required for students applying to any or all of KU’s three degree. You’ll be able to choose your campus and program s that you are interested.
You will need :
- Contact information for the counselor or other school representative who will complete your Common Application School Report and submit your official high school transcript.
- Contact information for one teacher (or two, maximum) who will complete the Teacher Evaluation form.
- Nonrefundable $50 application fee. Students who are unable to pay the application fee can request a fee waiver.
Where To Apply?
Documents not submitted through the online method can be mailed to:
- Box 35300
- 1810 Campus Way NE
- Bothell, WA 98011-8246 USA